Reflections from the Powder Room on The Love Dare

Reflections from the Powder Room on The Love Dare

What’s more fun than reading a book? Discussing it with friends. . . or even strangers who become friends. Four of us happened to stumble upon The Powder Room, an on-line reading place where women discuss, dissect, and dish out some diverse thoughts about best-selling books. A book is not only a friend-it makes friends when people are drawn in to a conversation about it. Although as different from each other as colors of lip stick, hair, and fingernail polish, we felt a divine connect through humor, personality quirks, and a common desire to gain momentum toward our God-given destiny. We decided to review books written by those who have traveled similar roads and triumphed, or who have taken different directions and found transformation in areas of spirituality, setbacks, and relationships. We try on the principles and teaching in the books for size and fit, and then share what works or doesn’t. As an eclectic group of animated and transparent wo-men, ours becomes a journey of tears and fears, laughter and joy, as we find the courage to rise above the bling to find God’s pearls of wisdom and truth. As we search for answers and insight in the mall. . . err. . .halls of our dreams, many times the book being reviewed becomes our catalyst. We had fun with our online discussions and decided to share our banter, deep thoughts, and yadayadayada. For those of you who don’t have time to read an entire good book-read it through us! Of course we rambled a bit throughout, but that’s the great thing about friends, right? Reflections from the Powder Room add dimension, weight, and fun to fabulous worthwhile reads! The Love Dare is the first book in The Powder Room Series. Calgon, take us away!

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