recent product reviews

Grace and Divorce: God’s Healing Gift to Those Whose Marriages Fall Short

Grace and Divorce, written by noted author and psychotherapist, Dr. Les Carter, provides sound theological thinking on divorce and wise and compassionate suggestions for reframing and deepening our understanding of this difficult and controversial topic. Using stories from his practice as a therapist, Dr. Carter offers healing to both those who divorce and those who know and love them. He explains that Jesus never intended us to be so fixed about right and wrong and so judgmental that we lose the ability to love those who do not meet His perfect standards. With kindness and love, he shows that the wonderful gift of God’s grace is the best way to respond to people facing this trying life...

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Redemptive Divorce: A Biblical Process That Offers Guidance for the Suffering Partner, Healing for the Offending Spouse, and the Best Catalyst for Restoration

A graceful, biblical way to reclaim sanity for the home and dignity for the suffering spouse in a dysfunctional or dangerous marriage. Thousands of conscientious believers wanting to honor the sacred vows they took before God suffer in dysfunctional, even dangerous marriages. Each and every day they must choose between the lesser of two evils: divorce without sound biblical support or a life of perpetual, unrelenting misery. Somewhere between the secular disregard for the commands of Christ and the sacred unwillingness to deal with real problems of people, there is a way. The redemptive divorce process is designed to honor the sacredness of the union while offering practical relief for the suffering partner and tough love for the offending...

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When the Vow Breaks: A Survival and Recovery Guide for Christians Facing Divorce

Now an official resource of the nationwide DivorceCare ministry, this new edition of When the Vow Breaks offers practical advice to Christians regarding the top five felt needs and issues that result from facing divorce: kids, finances, anger, depression, and loneliness. In this sensitive and thorough guide, author/attorney Joseph Warren Kniskern recounts the emotions of his own failed marriage and shares a comprehensive study on what the Bible says about marriage and divorce. More important, he shows how God continues to work in people’s lives to provide hope and encouragement in the aftermath of divorce. Kniskern also provides important insights about how to seek reconciliation, secure proper marriage counseling, find a good attorney, and negotiate settlements and custody...

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When He Leaves: Help and Hope for Hurting Wives

In 1998, Kari West and Noelle Quinn gave readers their hard–won but hope–filled insights in When He Leaves. Responding to ongoing reader requests, HarvestHouse is re–releasing this compelling, one–of–a–kind book in a new edition. How can a woman cope…survive…and even thrive again after divorce? There are no easy answers. Kari West and Noelle Quinn offer their experience and companionship to the reader along a road she never wanted to walk as they urge her to “hang on!” and…     admit to the all–but–unbearable pain     start to grasp God’s love and acceptance at a new level     rebuild life…and learn to laugh and love again Readers will return again and again to the deeply practical and heartfelt counsel offered...

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Happily Remarried: Making Decisions Together * Blending Families Successfully * Building a Love That Will Last

Nearly 60 percent of remarriages end in divorce. What can people do to beat the odds? David and Lisa Frisbie share the fruits of more than 20 years of speaking, teaching, and counseling. Having talked to hundreds of couples, the authors use many real–life examples and speak with hope and humor about the challenges. They point to four key strategies to help bring long–term unity:     forgive everyone, including yourself     regard remarriage as permanent and irreversible     use conflict to get better acquainted     form a spiritual connection centered on serving God With further step–by–step marriage–saving advice about forming a new family unit and helpful discussion questions, Happily Remarried makes a great how–to recipe for a successful, happy...

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Single, Married, Separated, and Life After Divorce: Expanded Edition

Love the life you’re living! Written by best-selling author and beloved pastor Myles Munore, Single, Married, Separated, & Life After Divorce, Expanded Edition brings meaningful understanding to various stages of relationships. Whether you are single, married, separated, or divorced, you can feel peace and wholeness when you understand God’s plan for your life. Get ready to move into a new and exciting life full of love and acceptance—from within yourself, God’s special creation. No longer will you need to lean on or enable another to feel worthy or accepted. God created you a unique and beautiful person full of potential and self-worth. Included is a workbook prepared especially to help you delve into the principles discussed in the book....

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After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful

For the 70 percent of couples who have been affected by extramarital affairs, this is the only book to offer proven strategies for surviving the crisis and rebuilding the relationship –– written by a nationally known therapist considered an expert on infidelity. When I was 15, I was raped. That was nothing compared to your affair. The rapist was a stranger; you, I thought, were my best friend. There is nothing quite like the pain and shock caused when a partner has been unfaithful. The hurt partner often experiences a profound loss of self–respect and falls into a depression that can last for years. For the relationship, infidelity is often a death blow. After the Affair is the first...

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How Can I Forgive You?: The Courage to Forgive, the Freedom Not To

Until now, we have been taught that forgiveness is good for us and that good people forgive. Dr. Spring, a gifted therapist and the award-winning author of After the Affair, proposes a radical, life-affirming alternative that lets us overcome the corrosive effects of hate and get on with our lives—without forgiving. She also offers a powerful and unconventional model for genuine forgiveness—one that asks as much of the offender as it does of us. This bold and healing book offers step-by-step, concrete instructions that help us make peace with others and with ourselves, while answering such crucial questions as these:     How do I forgive someone who is unremorseful or dead?     When is forgiveness cheap?     What is...

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