How does God love us? How do we love Him? How should I love those people I come in contact with anywhere I go? What should love look like in my marriage? This is not a book full of opinions or stories about “what worked for me.” Rather, in these pages you will find how the Bible answers these questions. Love Notes is a concise look at what the Bible has to teach us about everything related to love. Beginning as a study on what a Godly marriage should look like it spends most of its time there, but is valuable for training in all things Love related. This book will give you an overview of Biblical Love and is not limited in its scope to any single passage or text. Love Notes will bless you and the marriage you have or the one you are still looking for. Ryan Dalgliesh is an itinerate Bible teacher working with youth, college, and adult groups since 1997. His preaching ministry has taken him back and forth across Texas dozens of times and also into five other states. He has also been a part of preaching mission trips in India, Czech Republic, Spain, and Indonesia. His passion is to ignite a love for the word of God in the hearts of the people of God. He is a firm believer that the Bible is not only the life of the believer but also necessary for growth in salvation. (DT 32:47, 1 PTR 2:2) Having seen a decline in Bible knowledge and Bible preaching over the last few years, Ryan has dedicated himself to have all that he preaches and writes Glorify God by being grounded in His word. For more information on Ryan or Higher Rock Ministries see his website at .