Not Under Bondage: Biblical Divorce for Abuse, Adultery and Desertion

When is divorce biblically permissible and when is it forbidden? Is remarriage ever permissible for a divorced Christian? The questions are particularly difficult for Christian victims of marital abuse, who often believe they must choose between two unpleasant alternatives: endure abuse, or face condemnation by God and his church for disobeying the bible. Not Under Bondage, written by a survivor of domestic abuse, explains the scriptural dilemmas about divorce which abuse victims grapple with. While carefully examining the scriptures and scholarly research, it shows how the Bible sets victims of abuse free from bondage and guilt. Visit the author’s website at for free resources to help address domestic abuse in a Christian...

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Live, Laugh, Love Again: A Christian Woman’s Survival Guide to Divorce

At long last, a “Girlfriend’s Guide” on divorce–written by four women who have experienced it all and have good news about getting through...

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Grace and Divorce: God’s Healing Gift to Those Whose Marriages Fall Short

Grace and Divorce, written by noted author and psychotherapist, Dr. Les Carter, provides sound theological thinking on divorce and wise and compassionate suggestions for reframing and deepening our understanding of this difficult and controversial topic. Using stories from his practice as a therapist, Dr. Carter offers healing to both those who divorce and those who know and love them. He explains that Jesus never intended us to be so fixed about right and wrong and so judgmental that we lose the ability to love those who do not meet His perfect standards. With kindness and love, he shows that the wonderful gift of God’s grace is the best way to respond to people facing this trying life...

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Redemptive Divorce: A Biblical Process That Offers Guidance for the Suffering Partner, Healing for the Offending Spouse, and the Best Catalyst for Restoration

A graceful, biblical way to reclaim sanity for the home and dignity for the suffering spouse in a dysfunctional or dangerous marriage. Thousands of conscientious believers wanting to honor the sacred vows they took before God suffer in dysfunctional, even dangerous marriages. Each and every day they must choose between the lesser of two evils: divorce without sound biblical support or a life of perpetual, unrelenting misery. Somewhere between the secular disregard for the commands of Christ and the sacred unwillingness to deal with real problems of people, there is a way. The redemptive divorce process is designed to honor the sacredness of the union while offering practical relief for the suffering partner and tough love for the offending...

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When the Vow Breaks: A Survival and Recovery Guide for Christians Facing Divorce

Now an official resource of the nationwide DivorceCare ministry, this new edition of When the Vow Breaks offers practical advice to Christians regarding the top five felt needs and issues that result from facing divorce: kids, finances, anger, depression, and loneliness. In this sensitive and thorough guide, author/attorney Joseph Warren Kniskern recounts the emotions of his own failed marriage and shares a comprehensive study on what the Bible says about marriage and divorce. More important, he shows how God continues to work in people’s lives to provide hope and encouragement in the aftermath of divorce. Kniskern also provides important insights about how to seek reconciliation, secure proper marriage counseling, find a good attorney, and negotiate settlements and custody...

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When He Leaves: Help and Hope for Hurting Wives

In 1998, Kari West and Noelle Quinn gave readers their hard–won but hope–filled insights in When He Leaves. Responding to ongoing reader requests, HarvestHouse is re–releasing this compelling, one–of–a–kind book in a new edition. How can a woman cope…survive…and even thrive again after divorce? There are no easy answers. Kari West and Noelle Quinn offer their experience and companionship to the reader along a road she never wanted to walk as they urge her to “hang on!” and…     admit to the all–but–unbearable pain     start to grasp God’s love and acceptance at a new level     rebuild life…and learn to laugh and love again Readers will return again and again to the deeply practical and heartfelt counsel offered...

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