After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful

For the 70 percent of couples who have been affected by extramarital affairs, this is the only book to offer proven strategies for surviving the crisis and rebuilding the relationship –– written by a nationally known therapist considered an expert on infidelity. When I was 15, I was raped. That was nothing compared to your affair. The rapist was a stranger; you, I thought, were my best friend. There is nothing quite like the pain and shock caused when a partner has been unfaithful. The hurt partner often experiences a profound loss of self–respect and falls into a depression that can last for years. For the relationship, infidelity is often a death blow. After the Affair is the first...

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Shattered Vows: Hope and Healing for Women Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed

Infidelity doesn’t have to ruin your life—or your marriage If you have been devastated by your husband’s sexual betrayal—whether an isolated incident or a long-term pattern of addiction—you need to know you don’t have to live as a victim. If you choose to stay in your marriage, you have options other than punishing, tolerating, or ignoring your spouse; in fact, extraordinary growth awaits a woman willing to deal with the pain of her husband’s struggles with sexual purity. Even if a spouse will not participate in a program for healing, a woman who has been sexually betrayed can change her own life in powerful and permanent ways. This sensitive guide provides practical tools to help you make wise and...

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Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage

Never say never; because just when you think your marriage is safe from adultery is when you may be the most vulnerable. Dave Carder, counselor, author of the bestselling Torn Asunder (100,000 in print), and a sought-after expert on issues of adultery. Now, with eye-opening stories, clinical insights, and up-to-date data, he reveals what adulterers learned the hard way- and want the rest of us to know. For example, every spouse has a “Dangerous Partner Profile” of the kind of person who tempts them. Close Calls should be on every church leader’s and marriage counselor’s required reading list. Includes charts and...

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Unfaithful: Hope and Healing After Infidelity

Co-founders of Hope and Healing Ministries and a married couple, the authors offer what the subtitle affirms-hope and healing-in this revealing autobiography of their excruciating journey through infidelity. Each author takes a turn giving brutal expression to heartache endured in facing Gary’s adultery and in subsequently working through adulterous betrayal. Movingly, each partner describes the process of looking at themselves, their marriage (before and after the infidelity), and the changes they wanted to make. Though the Shrivers present a strongly Christian perspective on dealing with adultery, their message is also pertinent to those outside the Christian faith community. Readers will appreciate their courage as well as the practical steps married couples can take to move through such a devastating...

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How to Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair: A Compact Manual for the Unfaithful

Once an affair comes to light, many unfaithful persons “wake up” and want to save their marriages. Yet, they usually make terrible mistakes in their bungled attempts to win back their partners’ trust. Linda J. MacDonald, an infidelity specialist for 23 years, has identified behaviors and attitudes that determine unfaithful persons’ success or failure to mend their marriages after the wrecking ball of an affair. How to Help Your Spouse Heal from Your Affair offers practical advice for those who’ve strayed and want a second chance. It would take weeks of therapy to learn what Successful Rebuilders know:     How to avoid the potholes that doom marriages after affairs     Critical guidelines for the first hours after discovery    ...

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